Welcome to my first arcade style game. If you would like to submit your score, follow the link at the end of the game. I will be displaying the high score and who has it on my website!
(set: $hp to 5)
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $gold to 5)
(set: $weaponbonus to 0)
(set: $enemystrength to 1)Welcome to the camp. Your hp is $hp. Your score is $score and you have $gold gold.
(set: $maxhp to 5)
[[Go adventuring!|adventuringlvl1]]
[[Go to the shop|shop]]
[[Rest (note, when you rest, you will lose score!|rest]]
(set: $streak to 0)You are attacked by a goblin!
[[Ready Yourself!|fightbegin1]]Welcome to the shop. At the moment, you can just buy health potions, but there will be more coming soon.
[[Buy Health Potion (25 gold)|buyhealthpotion]]
[[Ok|camp]](set: $hp to $maxhp)
You rest
[[Okay|camp]](set: $initiative to (random:(1,2,3)))
(set: $streak to $streak + 1)
(if: $initiative is (1,2))[
You attack the goblin first.
[[Soft Attack|sattack1]]
[[Medium Attack|mattack1]]
[[Heavy Attack|hattack1]] ]
The Goblin Attacks you first!
(set: $goblinhp to 4)(set: $attack to (random:(1,2,3,4)))
(if: $attack is 1)[
The goblin dodges your attack and attacks you back!
(set: $goblinhp to $goblinhp - 1)
(if: $goblinhp > 0)[
You hit the goblin and it stumbles back!
You kill the goblin!
(set: $score to $score + $streak)
[[I am Victorious!|postfight]]
]](set: $attack to (random:(1,2,3)))
(if: $attack is 1)[
The goblin dodges your attack and attacks you back!
(set: $goblinhp to $goblinhp - 2)
(if: $goblinhp > 0)[
You hit the goblin and it stumbles back!
You kill the goblin!
(set: $score to $score + $streak)
[[I am Victorious!|postfight]]
]](set: $attack to (random:(1,2)))
(if: $attack is 1)[
The goblin dodges your attack and attacks you back!
(set: $goblinhp to $goblinhp - 3)
(if: $goblinhp > 0)[
You hit the goblin and it stumbles back!
You kill the goblin!
(set: $score to $score + $streak)
[[I am Victorious!|postfight]]
(set: $goblinattack1 to (random:(1,2,3,4,5)))
(if: $goblinattack < 4)[
(set: $hp to $hp - 1)
(if: $hp > 0)[
The goblin hits you!
You die!
[[Game Over|end]]
(if: $goblinattack is 4)[
(set: $hp to hp - 2)
(if: $hp > 0)[
The goblin hits you!
You die!
[[Game Over|end]]
You block the attack!
(if: $goblinhp > 0)[
(set: $initiative to (random:(1,2,3,4)))
(if: $initiative < 4)[
You attack the goblin!
[[Soft Attack|sattack1]]
[[Medium Attack|mattack1]]
[[Heavy Attack|hattack1]] ]
The Goblin Attacks you!
You kill the goblin!
(set: $score to $score + $streak)
[[I am Victorious!|postfight]]
(if: $healthpotion > 0)[
[[Drink A health Potion|drinkhealthpot]]](set: $gold to $gold + 3*$streak)
You win! Your hp is $hp and you have $gold gold. Your streak is $streak. Continue?
[[Continue Adventuring|adventuringlvl1]]
[[Return to Camp (this will set your streak to 0)|precamp]]You died. Your score is $score. If you want, you can submit it to this <a href="https://goo.gl/forms/cIMldJc5DX285Fc42">Google Form</a>
[[Reset|Untitled Passage]](if: $gold > 24)[
You buy a health potion
(set: $healthpotion to $healthpotion + 1)
(set: $gold to $gold - 25)
You do not have enough money.
[[Whoops|shop]]](set: $healthpotion to $healthpotion - 1)
You drink the health potion
(set: $health to $maxhealth)
[[GLUG GLUG GLUG|duringfight1]](set: $score to $score - 1)
Your streak is now 0 and you have lost one score as you are going to camp.